Frontpage - FKN Corp A professional web investment and development company. We build and maintain own sites, invest in new startups, or help current sites grow.



Is FKN Corp CMS the right choice for my web site?

In the past, we did not offer our services directly to you!. We worked behind the screens and delivered our systems to many other developers, thy got there base systems from us, and modified them to suit their costumer"s needs. So other developers used our system on license to build there costumers sites.

So why not cut the middle man out, get the best deal right here.
100% guaranteed customer satisfaction, or money back!

It"s a complete solution for your web site needs. We"ve been doing CMS Systems for a long time and have prepared a solution for a wide variety of web sites:

  • Corporate sites
  • Personal sites
  • Intranets
  • Extranets
  • Community sites

WYSIWYG editor

The built-in InnovaStudio WYSIWYG editor is fully integrated into the system. It enables content editors to edit content as if they were using Word. It features:

  • Basic or advanced formatting
  • Insertion of uploaded images, video, flash, files, documents
  • Linking to other pages internal or external files or sites


Many online editors try to achieve almost all the heavy functions of a Word Processor. This results in a complicated interface and long loading time. We designed the InnovaStudio Editor specifically for the web by keeping it simple and quick to load, while being powerful enough to create stylish content.


Preview/Edit HTML Source with code formatting & coloring
You can preview/edit HTML Source with code formatting & coloring. If you"re using IE, the Source Editor will also locate the cursor/selection based on the current selected tag in the WYSIWYG view (many competing products will usually locate the cursor at the very beginning of the text).

Preview/Edit HTML Source with code formatting & coloring


Fully configurable toolbar buttons & dropdowns
You can show/hide the Editor buttons & dropdowns, re-arrange them, apply button spaces and apply toolbar line breaks (no external configuration file is required). This provides greater flexibility and control to meet the clients requirements.

Fully configurable toolbar buttons & dropdowns


Features Supported?
Number of pages Unlimited
Number editors/administrators Unlimited
Number of documents Unlimited
Flexible content hierarchy Yes
Customizable page templates Yes
WYSIWYG, browser-based editing in IE IE 7.0+ and FireFox 1.0.5+ Yes
Content/design separation Yes
Management and publishing of uploaded files Yes
Re-use content on several pages Yes (copy page, or copy paste content)
Spell-checker Yes
Linked documents (single document in multiple categories) Yes
Workflow Only Edit/Publish workflow, preview
Preview before publish Yes
Multiple languages 2 Languages standard, more on request
Complete documentation of the CMS System with video guides. Yes
Easy deployment (FKN Corp will do setup and design for you on our servers) Yes
FKN Corp Hosting (must!) Yes
Input Source code in text editor Yes
Admin management Yes
Document-level permissions Yes
Personalized content Yes
Dynamic Image Security code for login administration Yes
Web Site
Flexible navigation Yes
Search Yes
Friendly (smart) URLs Yes
Search engine optimization (SEO) Yes
XHTML, CSS layouts Yes
IE 6.0+, FireFox 1.0.5+, Mozilla 7.1+, Netscape 7.1+, Opera 7.52+ support Yes
Newsletter Yes
Image gallery (automatic image scaling, optimization, conversion) Yes
Media Library Yes
News system Yes
Google Analytics Yes
Booking system Yes
Guestbook Yes
Forums Yes
Message boards Yes
Contact form Yes
Reference system (show your reffrences) Yes
Products showcase system (show your products) Yes
Bad Words Filter Yes
Module missing? Ask and we will make it for your site! Yes

Please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Let’s talk about what you want, and what we can do for you :)